Thursday, October 16, 2014

Walnut Shell Blasting Media Is a Great Use for Metal Specialists

There is just something special about the sheen on a shiny piece of metal. It reflects quality, craftsmanship, and durability that few other materials can match. Unfortunately, metal is prone to all sorts of problems from dents and scratches to the worst of them all…rust. Indeed, while it may appear timeless, the beauty and strength of metal only lasts so long before it needs a little TLC to make it look like new again.

Whether the metal you are working on is a structural component of a building, a decorative piece of furniture, or an engine component, blasting it with walnut shell media is an effective way to clean away the gunk and grime. Indeed, it can quickly and safely remove everything from oil and grease, to dirt and rust.
This is important because the goal of any blasting operation is to protect and repair the piece without damaging it. Walnut shell media fits this bill perfectly. It is just hard enough that it can remove anything attached to the surface, but not so hard that you have to be overly concerned with pitting the piece.  Coupled with the fact that walnut shells come in a wide variety of grit sizes, they can be used to clean everything from steel girders and iron railings to precision engine parts made of titanium or aluminum.
Further, unlike other blasting media such as silica, walnut shell media isn’t toxic and won’t lead to serious health concerns. This makes it safer for your staff to use, and spent walnut shells are much easier to dispose of when you are finished with them. For these reasons among many others, walnut shells are quickly becoming the favorite for use within barrel tumbling, oil drilling, and auto repair operations.
We invite you to contact Flowspec to learn more about the walnut shell media we have available for your blasting operations. We will be happy to tell you about the various grits we have available and the ways you can incorporate our products into your operations.

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