Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How Walnut Shells Can Improve the Quality of Soaps

From fragrances to colors, there simply isn’t a shortage of soap formulas available for consumers to select from. While most of the ingredients added to soap formulas are designed to make them smell good, there are a few that are included to make them more effective at getting people clean.
Among these ingredients, using ground walnut shells for soap production is one of the best decisions your business can make. This is because crushed walnut shells provide exfoliating benefits that are simply hard to beat by comparable options. In fact, the angular shape and MOHS hardness of 4-5 of shells makes them ideal for soaps. And, since walnut shells are not as damaging to skin as silica abrasives, they provide a better, more appealing product for your customers to enjoy. Additionally, shells are an effective abrasive regardless of if they are ground fine as flour, or large enough to be seen with the naked eye. Either way, they can be included without losing any of their abrasive properties.
Of course, including ground walnut shells is not as simple as taking the shells and mixing them into the soap formula. Because they are a natural product, the shells must be irradiated first to ensure that no bacteria make it into the batch. This sterilizes them and gives them an extremely long shelf life, which in turn helps to stabilize the finished soap without affecting the other ingredients that have been used in production.
Further, as consumers become more eco-conscious, the idea of washing thousands of tons of silica sand down their drains is becoming an increasingly unpleasant choice. This is causing more and more consumers to turn to eco-friendly options when it comes to their cosmetic products. Ground walnut shells give them the exfoliating benefits they want, without the toxic byproducts and environmental hazards that other silica based abrasive soaps create.
For more information about using ground walnut shells for soap, contact Flowspec and we will be happy to answer your questions and give you all the details you need.

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