Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Natural Kitty Litter-Walnut Shells
Walnut Shell Cat Litter
From Taipei to Toronto, cats have moved in to millions of homes where they run and play while homeowners work the days away. It's an easy life, but it's not free of basic biological needs for pet owners to take care of.
This means that when it's time to "do their business," cats need a place to go that's clean and won't leave nasty odors and harmful chemical byproducts in the wake of the litter box. When it comes to natural kitty litter, walnut shells make an ideal choice for the following reasons:
  1. Walnut shells are non-toxic, and using them is effectively upcycling as they're the natural byproduct of walnut production.
  2. Walnuts minimize bacteria and mold growth. 
  3. Since walnut shells are a natural product that decomposes, they can be disposed of within the trash without being concerned that they will add to groundwater pollution.
  4. Because they will not stick or cling, walnut shells makes cleanup of everything from litter boxes to pet cages a lot simpler and a lot less messy.
  5. Walnut shell based natural kitty litter is up to 200% more absorbent than traditional clay litters. This not only means longer times between litter box cleanings, it also means that you will use less kitty litter at a time than comparable alternatives. 
Of course, the applications for natural kitty litter go beyond lining the litter box. Crushed walnut shells can also be used within bird cages and lizard cages. Because it is not made of sand, it is 100% dust free which helps keep pets from developing respiratory problems. It is also lighter than traditional base material, and with it's loose texture it provides snakes and lizards something they can dig through to keep themselves fit and healthy.
When everything is said and done, walnut shells are an ideal natural kitty litter that won't harm the environment and can reduce the overall amount of kitty litter homeowners need to supply for their pets. That is why we invite you to contact Flowspec to learn more about using walnut shells in the production of kitty litter and other household products.

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